The NFRMPO is currently working on an update of Freight Northern Colorado for 2026
What is Freight Planning?
Freight planning ensures the safe and efficient movement of goods across the region. The methods of transporting goods include:
Future Freight Planning
The NFRMPO is currently working on a new version of the Freight Northern Colorado Plan (FNC), set to be published in 2026. The purpose of the FNC is to provide a guide for the improvement of the overall freight system within the North Front Range region. While not required by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), having a regional freight plan positions the region to evaluate our current freight system and infrastructure and make recommendations for future projects and a foundation to move forward for the pursuit of funds for freight and freight benefiting projects.
FNC 2026 Project Timeline

Note: Timeline valid as of September 10th, 2024.
The NFRMPO is developing an Outreach Strategy for the 2026 FNC that will ensure a clear, concise set of tools for engagement, both virtual and in-person.
Current Freight Planning
The most recent FNC was adopted by the NFRMPO Planning Council on August 1, 2019, and includes the following:
- A summary of the existing freight related plans at local, regional, state, and national levels
- Analysis of existing freight infrastructure and performance of each freight transportation mode
- Summary of emerging freight trends
- Updated tools, analysis, and guidance supporting local and regional planning and funding efforts
- Recommendations for future projects and monitoring system performance
Freight Northern Colorado (FNC)
Additional Freight Resources
Questions or Comments?
If you have freight-related questions or comments, please contact Jonathan Stockburger at