Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) identifies the surface transportation projects and activities to be funded in the NFRMPO area over a four year time period. The TIP includes roadway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements that are federally funded or regionally significant. Learn more about the TIP and view the location and details of current TIP projects in the TIP Story Map.

FY2024-2027 TIP

2024 to 2027 Transportation Improvement Program Cover
The FY 2024-2027 TIP was adopted by the NFRMPO Planning Council on September 7, 2023 and became effective as of November 8, 2023 upon incorporation into the Statewide TIP (STIP) maintained by CDOT.

Current TIP Documents

Most Recent FY 2024–2027 TIP project tables:
FY 2024-2027 TIP – As of 10/14/2024

Most Recent FY 2024-2024 TIP narrative, financial plan, and Equity Analysis:
FY 2024-2027 TIP Narrative Adopted 9/7/2023
FY 2024-2027 TIP Financial Plan As of 2/16/2024
FY 2024-2027 Equity Analysis Tables and Maps As of 2/16/2024

FY 2024-2027 TIP narrative and project tables as adopted:
FY 2024-2027 TIP Adopted 9/7/2023, Effective 11/8/2023

FY 2024-2027 TIP forms:
TIP Amendment and Modification Form

TIP Amendment Schedule:
TIP Amendment Schedule 2024

Previous TIPs

Fiscal Year 2023–2026 TIP

The FY 2023-2026 TIP was adopted by the NFRMPO Planning Council on May 5, 2022. The TIP became effective upon incorporation into the Statewide TIP (STIP) maintained by CDOT. The TIP includes projects selected from approved call for projects processes held between 2018 and 2022. See the links below for the TIP as adopted as well as the final project tables, which include all TIP Modifications and TIP Amendments.

Final FY 2023–2026 TIP project tables:
FY 2023-2026 TIP – As of 11/3/2023

FY 2023-2026 TIP narrative and project tables as adopted:
FY 2023-2026 TIP Adopted 5/5/2022

Fiscal Year 2022–2025 TIP

The FY 2022-2025 TIP was adopted by the NFRMPO Planning Council on May 6, 2021. The TIP became effective upon incorporation into the Statewide TIP (STIP) maintained by CDOT. The TIP includes projects selected from approved call for projects processes held between 2018 and 2022. See the links below for the TIP as adopted as well as the final project tables, which include all TIP Modifications and TIP Amendments.

Final FY 2022–2025 TIP project tables:
FY 2022-2025 TIP – Updated 6/28/2022

FY 2022-2025 TIP narrative and project tables as adopted:
FY 2022-2025 TIP Adopted 5/6/2021

TIP Amendments and Modifications

Changes to the TIP are made in the form of amendments and modifications, which are regularly completed to ensure transportation project funding accuracy. Amendments to the TIP are necessary to facilitate project implementation, identify changes in funding and scheduling, and add new or delete completed projects. The NFRMPO forwards TIP amendments to CDOT upon approval at the appropriate organizational level, as described below. Amendments approved by the Council are accompanied by a Resolution of Adoption. Subsequently, each administrative modification will be provided for informational purposes to both TAC and Planning Council. Any member may request Planning Council review of any action taken by NFRMPO staff or the TAC. The two types of TIP changes are described below.

Policy Amendments
Policy Amendments require TAC review and Planning Council approval for all CMAQ, STBG, TA funded and Air Quality Significant Projects. Examples of Air Quality Significant Projects include:

  • Adding at least two (2) through lane miles or completing a regional connection along a regionally significant corridor (RSC);
  • Adding a new intersection on principal arterials or above;
  • Adding new interchanges or grade separated intersections;
  • Major improvements to existing interchanges, excluding drainage improvements and ramp widening;
  • Regional transit projects on fixed guideways that offer a significant alternative to regional highway travel;
  • Addition or deletion of major bus routes with 3,000 transit patrons per day, taking into account existing service levels.

The following items require a Policy Amendment:

  1. Any project, outside of a CDOT STIP funding pool, added to the TIP using federal funds including CMAQ, STBG or TA funds, or if the project is an Air Quality Significant Project (see examples above).
  2. Any project that has all Federal funding removed or is deleted from the TIP.
  3. The addition or deletion of $5M or more in federal or state funds for any project.
  4. A change in funding sources from local/state to include any amount of federal funds.
  5. A change in the total amount of a CDOT STIP pool by $5M or more in state or federal funding.
  6. Any major change in the scope of a project. A major scope change is defined as any sponsor-directed alteration that requires a modification in a project’s activity, location, or schedule which triggers a review of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process or air quality analysis. Common scope changes are: (1) engineering change, (2) quantity change, (3) location change, and (4) schedule change. Specifically, any schedule changes that might impact the TIP’s air quality conformity as the completion date of a regionally significant project would occur in a different time frame than that modeled by APCD.

Policy Amendments will be processed according to the following schedule:

  • Amendments will be processed every other month, including January, March, May, July, September, and November.
  • The deadline to submit an Amendment request is 5:00 pm on the first business day of that month.
  • The 30-day Public Comment period for TIP Amendments will open when the next TAC meeting packet is released, one week prior to the TAC meeting.
  • TIP Amendments will go to TAC and Council once each for Action. Council adoption of the TIP Amendment will be contingent on public comments received during any portion of the 30-day Public Comment period occurring after the Council meeting.

View the TIP Amendment Schedule for Calendar Year 2024.

Administrative Modifications

The following changes are processed through TIP Modifications:

  1. A change between federal funding sources.
  2. A change in project funding less than $5M of state or federal funding, and does not change the scope of the project.
  3. A change in local funding of any amount which does not completely remove local funding or change the scope of the project.
  4. A transfer of funds between project years, with concurrence of Project Sponsors, and not impacting air quality conformity.
  5. A change of less than $5M in the total amount of a CDOT STIP pool in state or federal funding.
  6. Changes in the projects included in a CDOT STIP pool due to Transportation Commission action, including a change in the state resource allocation.
  7. Addition or deletion of new projects which are not federally funded or air quality significant.
  8. Minor scope changes which do not meet the criteria of a major scope change and do not change the project type.

Administrative Modifications will be processed within two weeks of receipt. Processed Modifications are posted to the NFRMPO TIP webpage at least monthly. Each quarter, processed Modifications from the previous three months are provided to the TAC and Planning Council for informational purposes.

Annual Listing of Federally Obligated Projects

As required, the reports below list all transportation projects in the NFRMPO region for which federal transportation funds were obligated during the federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30 of each year).

2023 Annual Listing of Federally Obligated Projects

Staff contact: Jonathan Stockburger – or (970) 289-8283