Vision Statement (under review): The multimodal transportation system in Northern Colorado will be safe, socially and environmentally sensitive, and supportive of the region’s quality of life and economic vitality.
What is the RTP?
The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is the long-range transportation plan for the NFRMPO region. We update the plan every four years to use current information to evaluate our current system; identify the needs to address congestion, accessibility, and overall mobility; and ensure a fiscally constrained plan to address the need.
The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is the long-range transportation plan for the NFRMPO region. We update the plan every four years to use current information to evaluate our current system; identify the needs to address congestion, accessibility, and overall mobility; and ensure a fiscally constrained plan to address the need.
Our most recent RTP was adopted in September 2019. The plan can be downloaded from our RTP page.
What is considered in the RTP?
The RTP considers the entire transportation system: roadways, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, transit, freight, and emerging technology. As part of the process, we look at what exists today, what local communities have planned over the next two decades, what funding is available, and what projects have a regional significance.
The RTP considers the entire transportation system: roadways, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, transit, freight, and emerging technology. As part of the process, we look at what exists today, what local communities have planned over the next two decades, what funding is available, and what projects have a regional significance.
The other major thing we consider is how this plan impacts the region’s air quality – we need to conform to National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and consider greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
What is in the RTP?
The RTP will address the following topics:
The RTP will address the following topics:
- Planning Context – what does our transportation system and infrastructure look like today?
- Trends – what does our region look like today and what do we expect it to look like by 2050?
- Scenarios and Visioning – what could our regional corridors look like based on local, regional, and statewide plans and modeling?
- Funding and Financing – how do we pay for the improvements needed?
What is the timeline of the project?

Note: Timeline valid as of October 1, 2021.
Find out more about what’s in each of the phases shown in the timeline:

Note: Timeline valid as of October 1, 2021.
Find out more about what’s in each of the phases shown in the timeline:
- Model Development: Regional Travel Demand Model, Land Use Allocation Model
- Performance Management: Goals and Objectives, Target Setting
- Transportation Improvement Program and Call for Projects
- Public Involvement: Public Involvement Plan
- Congestion Mitigation Process
Follow along with the development of the 2050 RTP by reading our ArcGIS Story Maps. This will be like the executive summary, interactive information to help answer the question “so what?” about the 2050 RTP!
Contact Alex Gordon at or (970) 289-8279.