Technical Advisory Committee

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) reviews, provides comments on, and makes recommendations regarding transportation planning and transportation funding to the NFRMPO Planning Council. The TAC consists of up to 17 voting members, primarily engineers and planning staff from local member agencies as well as the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Colorado Department of Health and the Environment-Air Pollution Control Division (CDPHE-APCD).  The TAC also has seven non-voting members who represent state air quality, the federal government, bike and pedestrian, and local transit agency perspectives. The TAC meets on the third Wednesday of each month at the Larimer County Loveland Campus.

2025 TAC Members

Voting Members
Nicole Hahn, Chair City of Loveland
Evan Pinkham, Vice Chair Weld County
Eric Tracy, Past Chair Larimer County
Rick Coffin CDPHE-APCD
Omar Herrera Town of Windsor
Tawn Hillenbrand Town of Berthoud
Dana Hornkohl City of Fort Collins
Mazedur Hossain City of Evans
Kim Koivuniemi Town of Timnath
Wesley LaVanchy Town of Eaton
Victoria Leonhardt City of Greeley
Pepper McClenahan Town of Milliken
Shani Porter Town of Severance
Josie Thomas CDOT
Vacant Town of Garden City
Vacant Town of Johnstown
Vacant Town of LaSalle
Non-Voting Members
Aaron Bustow FHWA
Vacant FTA
Candice Folkers COLT
Michelle Johnson GET
Joshua Ma Transfort
Tom Moore RAQC
Varies NoCo Bike & Ped Collaborative

If you have questions regarding TAC or would like to receive TAC meeting packet emails, please contact Becky Karasko, AICP at (970) 289-8281 or

TAC meeting packets are generally posted one week prior to meetings. Meeting minutes are posted after approval at the subsequent TAC meeting.
View TAC meeting materials. View schedule of upcoming meetings.