TDM Plan | Transportation Resources for Everyone | Transportation Resources for Employers |
The NFRMPO convened a TDM Work Group to guide the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Action Plan in 2022. The Work Group met throughout 2022 to develop goals, strategies, and actions to take to Planning Council. Planning Council approved the Plan on December 1, 2022. |
TDM Benefits | RideNoCo | Events |
TDM can seem like a nebulous topic – what is transportation demand management? Why should you care? Valid questions! Learn about the benefits of TDM and what it means for you. |
RideNoCo is a central information hub to discover transportation options in the Northern Colorado region and beyond. A Mobility Specialist is available to provide personalized support for finding the best mobility options to meet your needs Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. at (970) 514-3636. |
No events currently planned. |
2050 RTP | LinkNoCo |
The NFRMPO is updating its long-range transportation plan to identify the priorities in Northern Colorado for investment over the next two decades. The 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) looks at all transportation modes. |
The LinkNoCo (Premium Transit Analysis) effort is identifying important regional transit connections across the Northern Colorado region to support the expected growth in jobs and households. |
Shift Your Ride | Colorado State University |
Fort Collins is developing a dedicated TDM program called Shift Your Ride. The Shift Your Ride Travel Options Plan is underway, inventorying and identifying programs, policies, and needs; developing strategies; and creating a program framework. |
Colorado State University is updating its Campus Master Plan, which will feature a TDM component. More information will be added as is becomes available. |
Resources |
Funding Opportunities |
No current funding opportunities are available. |