What is Safe Routes to School?
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a national initiative that promotes walking and bicycling to school through infrastructure improvements, safety education, and other incentives. SRTS initiatives improve safety and levels of physical activity for K-12 students. Nationally, SRTS programs have been implemented by departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, school districts, or even individual schools.
Safe Routes to School and the NFRMPO
There is an SRTS Subcommittee of the Northern Colorado Bicycle and Pedestrian Collaborative working to build and support SRTS programs in Northern Colorado. The committee comprises representatives from NFRMPO communities and interested organizations and can assist with any efforts to establish new programs in the region.
SRTS Programs in Northern Colorado
There is currently one active SRTS program in Northern Colorado. This is the City of Fort Collins’ SRTS program, operated in partnership with Bike Fort Collins, Poudre School District, and other organizations. More information can be found here:
- City of Fort Collins
- Bike Fort Collins
- Greeley
- Contact: Kristen Wilkinson
- Timnath
- Contact: Tom Casal
- Windsor
- Contact: Madeline Cheek
Statewide SRTS Program
The Colorado Safe Routes to School program is administered by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). CDOT SRTS provides significant resources, including grant funding to support SRTS efforts across the state. Bicycle Colorado, an advocacy organization, also promotes and supports SRTS. More information on these statewide organizations can be found here:
Other Safe Routes to School Resources
Numerous national organizations also provide valuable SRTS resources. Visit any of the following websites to learn more.
- Safe Routes Partnership
- Safe Kids Larimer County
- The National Center for Safe Routes to School
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
- Federal Highway Administration
Here are potential funding sources for either programmatic or infrastructure programs in your area.
- MPO Funding Sources
- Other Federal Funding Sources
Questions or Comments?
You may direct Regional Safe Routes to School questions or comments to Jerome Rouser, AICP at jrouser@nfrmpo.org or (970) 422-1096.