2025 Active Transportation Plan

…The plan can be downloaded from our Bike and Ped page. What is considered in the ATP? The ATP considers the entire active transportation system, including on-street bike lanes, multiuse…


The NFRMPO staff complete all of the federal and state requirements to allow the local member communities to spend federal and state transportation funding. Staff provide professional planning services through…

2050 Regional Transportation Plan

…mobility; and ensure a fiscally constrained plan to address the need. Our most recent RTP was adopted in September 2019. The plan can be downloaded from our RTP page. What…

MPO Training

The NFRMPO Online Training Series provides short, informational videos on the NFRMPO and its planning activities. Additional training videos are under development, so check back soon for more content! Training…

Safe Routes to School Resources

…in Northern Colorado. The committee comprises representatives from NFRMPO communities and interested organizations and can assist with any efforts to establish new programs in the region. Current SRTS Programs in…

PM3: System Performance

…to normal travel periods. The first step is to consider travel time reliability (TTR), which compares the 85th Percentile Travel Time to the 50th Percentile Travel Time. This information is…

NoCo Shift Your Ride

…Miscellaneous#b31a05 – NoCo Bike & Ped#2c99ef – Coalitions#789b22 – Weld County Mobility Committee (WCMC)#789b22 – Larimer County Mobility Committee (LCMC)#9f5de2 – Outreach Events   #a8d144 – Community Advisory Committee (CAC)   #FFFFFF – Shift…

Freight Planning

…Mountain Rules Colorado Must Carry Law Truck Transport Rules and Regulations Truckers Against Trafficking Questions or Comments? If you have freight-related questions or comments, please contact Jonathan Stockburger at jstockburger@nfrmpo.org….

Regional Corridors

…one jurisdiction or connects to an activity center Will be complete by 2050 Serves regional traffic Regional Active Transportation Corridors were initially established as part of the 2013 Regional Bike…

Unified Planning Work Program

…coordination with NFRMPO staff, along with input from CDOT’s Division of Transportation Development (DTD) and CDOT Region 4 representatives. Once completed, the UPWP budget is approved by the Finance Committee…