Public Involvement Opportunities

Public Hearings

The NFRMPO periodically conducts public hearings to provide a forum for public input on the Public Involvement Plan (PIP), air quality conformity, and other documents, and prior to major policy decisions such as VanGo™ fare increases.

Date Topic/Discussion
There are no public hearings at this time.

Public Comment

The NFRMPO periodically provides public comment periods to provide a forum for public input on the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and other documents.

Topic Description Comments due
May 2020 TIP Amendment The Amendment adds 10 projects to the FY2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). To provide public comment, please contact Medora Bornhoft at 970-289-8283 or, or submit a comment online. June 11, 2020

Plans and Programs in Development

The NFRMPO actively works on plans and projects throughout the year. The following Plans are currently active projects. Outreach opportunities are highlighted for each project.

Credit: City of Fort Collins Active Transportation Plan (ATP)
The ATP will update the Non-Motorized Plan, addressing bicycle, pedestrian, and other human-powered modes of transportation.
Get involved: NFRMPO staff is seeking input through Community Remarks regarding gaps, benefits, and burdens with staying active. A survey is being developed. A Steering Committee will meet periodically to provide feedback.
Environmental Justice Plan
The Environmental Justice (EJ) Plan analyzes the NFRMPO region in regards to low income, minority, and other vulnerable populations, and adds recommendations and best practices to improve inclusion and equity in the planning process. The EJ Plan will provide tools and strategies for better collaboration and local input in transportation projects and plans.
Get involved: A survey is currently under development.
Larimer County Senior Transportation Implementation Plan Cover Expansion of the Mobility Program
The NFRMPO Planning Council approved $1.2M over three years for the expansion of the NFRMPO’s Mobility Program, including the development of a One Call/One Click Center, technical assistance and support, and the further evolution of collaboration in Larimer and Weld counties.
Get involved: The Mobility Committees meet every other month and discuss Mobility-related topics. All meetings are open to the public.