Are you interested in what options are available to connect where you live to places you’d like to go? Below is list of resources to help start. If you’re looking for an interactive tool to give you direct advice, check
RideNoCo as they develop their interactive trip planner.
Transit Options – Larimer County | Weld County | Regional Transit | Vanpooling
Bicycle and Pedestrian | Ridesharing/Micromobility | Employer Resources
Transit in Larimer County
Service Area: Berthoud
Cost/Fare: Fare-Free for older adults, $1.00 for in-town, $4.00 for out-of-town
Website: berthoud.org

Coming soon!
Service Area: South Weld County
Cost/Fare: Fare-Free
Website: viacolorado.org
Service Area: Fort Collins to Loveland, Berthoud, Longmont, and Boulder
Cost/Fare: Fare-free
Website: ridetransfort.com/flex
Service Area: Fort Collins, Windsor, and Greeley
Cost/Fare: $1.50
Website: viacolorado.org
Vanpools are ridesharing options for people who start and stop their commutes in similar locations. Fares include maintenance, gas, and insurance.
Service Area: Trips must start or end within the NFRMPO region
Cost/Fare: Based on zones
Website: vangovanpools.org
Service Area: Denver region
Cost/Fare: Based on distance
Website: waytogo.org
Bicycle and Pedestrian Options

NoCo Bike & Ped is a collaborative group of park planners, engineers, and staff who work together to build out regional bicycle and pedestrian trails and resources in Northern Colorado.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Maps and Resources
Has it been a while since you rode a bike? Reach out to FCMoves Education for potential classes.
Ridesharing and Micromobility
Ridesharing is done using apps available in the App store, Google Play, and Microsoft Store.
Service Area: Larimer and Weld counties
Service Area: NFRMPO region, Estes Park
Service Area: Fort Collins
Information on this page is current as of April 2022.